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The Ethel Gathering Groups–Frequently Asked Questions

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What are The Ethel Gathering Groups?

The Ethel Gathering Groups are local community-driven events organized by AARP volunteers in The Ethel community. These events allow The Ethels to connect, socialize, and share personal experiences. Whether it’s a casual coffee gathering, a creative workshop, or a themed gathering, these events aim to foster stronger bonds among The Ethels in the same geographical area. Each local group has a closed Facebook group for organizing these events.

How can I find The Ethel Gathering Groups in my area?

Finding a local gathering event is easy! Visit The Ethel Gathering Groups and use the location-based search feature to discover groups in your region.

Can I host my own Ethel Gathering event?

Absolutely! Any members of the Ethel Circle interested in volunteering to run a local Ethel Gathering Group can visit Organize a Gathering page to learn more about the program and apply to organize gatherings in your area..

After I apply to be a volunteer coordinator, what happens next?

Once approved, we’ll create a new Gathering Group on Facebook for your area. Then we will assign you as a moderator for the subgroup and notify the whole Ethel Circle Facebook group so others know to join. The subgroup will serve as your hub to organize and coordinate local gathering events, share other events, and discuss local happenings in the community.

Are The Ethel Gathering Groups safe spaces?

Yes, for sure. Safety is our top priority. We are committed to creating a welcoming and secure environment for all members. We encourage hosts to follow our community guidelines and ensure that events are respectful, inclusive, and positive for everyone attending.

Do I need to subscribe to The Ethel newsletter or belong to The Ethel Circle Facebook Group to join The Ethel Gathering Groups?

While it is not mandatory, we recommend subscribing to The Ethel newsletter to stay updated on the latest news, event announcements, and program developments. We also recommend joining The Ethel Circle, a closed Facebook group of older women that are honestly discussing both the pros and also the very real challenges associated with aging.

Are The Ethel Gathering Groups free to join?

Participation in The Ethel Gathering Groups is usually free, but specific event costs — such as a meal in a restaurant — may vary based on the nature of the gathering. Hosts will provide information about any associated costs in the event details.

Can I bring a friend who isn’t a The Ethel newsletter subscriber to a gathering?

In most cases, guests (not The Ethel subscribers) are welcome to join if they respect the community’s values and guidelines. However, we encourage participants to prioritize events designed for The Ethel community to immerse themselves in the experience fully.

How do I RSVP for The Ethel Gathering?

RSVPing for a local The Ethel Gathering is a breeze. Join your local Ethel Gathering Facebook group and search the Events tab for any upcoming events. Select the Attending button to confirm your attendance. This helps hosts plan for the correct number of participants and ensures a seamless experience for everyone.

How often are The Ethel Gathering Groups organized?

The frequency of The Ethel Gathering Groups varies based on the interests and activities of the community members. You will find a mix of regularly scheduled and special events, so keep an eye on the platform and newsletter for the latest updates.

How can I provide feedback or ask questions about The Ethel Gathering Groups?

We value your feedback and are here to assist you. Feel free to contact aarpethel@aarp.org. We’re happy to answer any questions, address concerns, and hear your suggestions for improving The Ethel Local Gatherings experience.

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